The Community Engagement Committee is a Standing Committee of the River Valley Alliance (RVA). The roles and responsibilities of the Community Engagement Committee and its members are as follows:
- Be RVA ambassadors to their respective communities and stakeholders, champion its plans and activities, and represent the RVA as directed by the Board.
- Provide a volunteer resource to assist and support RVA involvement and participation in local or regional events, projects, public processes and other activities as approved or directed by the Board.
- Facilitate bringing local volunteers, resources and partnerships to bear in support of Board and Municipal approved projects and activities.
- Assist the Board and its municipal members in generating increased public awareness, dialogue and support for the River Valley Trail System.
Community Engagement Committee Members:
Town of Devon - Gary Lukawesky, Chair
Town of Devon - Grant Geldart,
Parkland County - Shelly Spangler
Parkland County - vacant
City of Edmonton - Graham Taylor
City of Edmonton - Suzanne McAfee
City of Edmonton - Shelley Chen
City of Edmonton - Emma Ausford
City of Edmonton - Andrea Kluck
City of Edmonton -Chris Edgelow
Strathcona County - Bryan Karbonik
Strathcona County - Laura Brown
Sturgeon County - Amanda Papadopoulos
Sturgeon County - Chelsea Turner
City of Fort Saskatchewan - Maryann Woodman
City of Fort Saskatchewan - John MacMillan
Kristine Archibald - RVA Executive Director (ex officio)
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to assist the Board of the River Valley Alliance in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for the financial management of all activities, including compliance and reporting.
Finance Committee members:
Mark McCrae, Chair
Neil Cockburn
Nancy Thorton, RVA Board Chair, ex-officio
Kristine Archibald, RVA Executive Director (ex officio)
The Implementation Committee identifies, evaluates and make recommendations on capital projects which support the mandate and priorities and are in accordance with key guiding documents and principles approved by the Board of Directors.
Implementation Committee members:
Brad Armstrong, Chair
Darryl Howery
Alex Bonokoski
Marcel Chichak,
Pat Butler
Nancy Thorton, Board Chair, ex-officio
Kristine Archibald, RVA Executive Director (ex officio)
Non-Committee Members:
Phil Krysa, Architectural Works Inc.
The Governance Committee advises and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on best practices in corporate governance, including principles, policies, and Board and committee procedures and guidelines.
They also review and make recommendations on amendments to the Articles of Association and support board succession planning and development..
Governance Committee members:
Marilyn Cox, Chair
Nancy Thornton, Chair, ex-officio
Kristine Archibald, RVA Executive Director (ex officio)
The Advocacy Sub- Committee advises and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on best practices in communicating with elected government officials.
Advocacy Sub-committee members:
Ben Gronberg, Chair, Municipal Director
Nancy Thorton, RVA Board Chair,
Kristine Archibald, RVA Executive Director (ex officio)
Jed Johns
Kyle Schole
The Fundraising Committee advises and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on best practices in communicating with elected government officials.
Fundraising committee members:
Johnathan Kaidi, Chair
Nancy Thorton, RVA Board Chair, ex-officio
Kristine Archibald, RVA Executive Director (ex officio)
The Truth and Reconciliation Committee advises and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on best practices in
Truth and Reconciliation committee members:
Anita Cardinal, Chair
Ashley Salvidor
Nancy Thorton, RVA Board Chair, ex-officio
Kristine Archibald, RVA Executive Director (ex officio)