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Important Notice: Cancellation Policy for River Valley Alliance Walks and Bike Tours

Ensuring Participant Safety During Poor Air Quality

At the River Valley Alliance, the health and safety of our participants are our top priority. To protect everyone during periods of compromised air quality due to smoke, we have established the following cancellation policy:

Air Quality Monitoring:

  • We continuously monitor the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) before and during our outdoor activities.

Cancellation Threshold:

  • If the AQHI reaches a level of 7 or above, indicating high health risk, all scheduled walks and bike tours will be cancelled.

Notification Process:

  • Participants will be notified of cancellations as soon as possible through email, our website, and social media channels.
  • In the event of sudden changes in air quality during an activity, on-site staff will immediately inform participants and terminate the event if necessary.


  • We will make every effort to reschedule cancelled walks and bike tours. New dates and times will be communicated through the same channels.

Health and Safety Advisory:

  • We encourage all participants to stay informed about current air quality conditions and consult healthcare providers if they have health concerns.