Help complete the longest river valley pedestrian trail in North America!
Joining the Board of Directors for the River Valley Alliance (RVA) is an opportunity to make a difference and positively impact your community. The River Valley Alliance and its six municipal shareholders (Parkland County, Town of Devon, City of Edmonton, Strathcona County, City of Fort Saskatchewan, Sturgeon County) are committed to regional cooperation and collaboration to fully connect a multi-use pedestrian trail through the Metro Edmonton Region North Saskatchewan River Valley. The RVA Board is dedicated to a balanced approach of preserving, protecting, enhancing and connecting the river valley with the potential of becoming a world-class pedestrian trail, linking over 100 km through 8,000 hectares of parkland, the longest river valley trail and park system in North America, recently named Amisk Wacîw Mêskanaw (Beaver Hill Road).
The RVA Board comprises seven elected Councillors from our municipal shareholders and eight Directors-at-Large. We currently have three openings for Directors-at-Large and invite interested candidates to submit their applications.
We are currently accepting applications from residents of:
Parkland County
Town of Devon
The City of Edmonton
Fort Saskatchewan
Sturgeon County
Applicants of Indigenous Heritage that reside within Treaty 6 Territory or Métis Nation of AB Region 4.
The RVA respects and values diversity and wants to ensure that all voices are heard. The recruiting process will be merit-based but focused on reaching and appealing to a diverse range of candidates structured to give all interested individuals an equal opportunity. The role description and application process are detailed below.
Roles & Responsibilities
To bring a solid commitment to the vision, mission, objectives, and values of the RVA with well-developed community, corporate, or political experience and networking capacity within one or more of the represented municipalities and the communities encompassed by the RVA.
Preference will be given to applicants having prior board experience and skills in one or more of the following areas:
Government Relations
Fund Development
Indigenous Relations
Strategic Planning
Board and Governance
Construction Engineering
Legal/Land Transactions
Public Affairs
Conservation Management
Political Acumen
General Duties
Directors-at-Large are asked to work effectively with other Board Members to provide strategic direction, set policy, allocate resources, monitor progress, and manage the business affairs of the River Valley Alliance. The term to be served by a Director-at-Large is two years, renewable up to three times. Newly appointed Directors-at-Large will begin their two-year term in April 2024.
Directors may also serve on various RVA Committees and undertake activities to further the organization's objectives. Please note that candidates may alternatively be considered for a Committee position should they not be appointed to the Board.
As a non-profit corporation, Board members represent the RVA to its shareholders, federal and provincial governments, and other valued stakeholders to maintain positive and productive relationships.
The Board meets monthly via Zoom, with no meetings in December, July or August. Board members may be asked to volunteer for and participate in events and activities that promote and showcase the RVA and the trail system to the public and stakeholders as their schedules allow.
By joining our Board of Directors, you can expand your leadership and community engagement to contribute to ongoing efforts to create a lasting positive legacy for today and future generations.
To apply, we ask for a Resume and brief Letter of Intent outlining your interest and the specific skills or experience you could bring to the RVA Board. Please submit all documents as one .pdf to
Applications will be accepted up to November 5, 2023. We appreciate and value all applications; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.