Graham Hicks and Sheila Thompson are two former River Valley Alliance advisory committee members. In this guest post, they are inviting anyone who is interested in joining them on this year’s Edmonton Camino.
Come see the North Saskatchewan river valley as you’ve never seen it before.
Join the second annual Camino Edmonton walk, Friday June 7 to Tuesday June 11, 2019!
The Camino de Santiago is a famous 850-kilometre walking trail across Northern Spain, walked by hundreds of thousands of people every year.
Thanks to the tireless trail-building efforts of the River Valley Alliance and its seven-member municipalities, we have our own potential Edmonton Camino, following well-built trails through the North Saskatchewan river valley, from Fort Saskatchewan through Edmonton to the Henday Drive Bridge southwest, and eventually connecting Edmonton to the town of Devon and the University of Alberta Botanic Garden.
Last year, 2018, we—a merry band of walkers organized by past River Valley Alliance advisory committee members Graham Hicks and Sheila Thompson— set out to test the possibility.

The entire route, from Devon to Edmonton to Fort Saskatchewan/Lamoureux took us five days covering an estimated 100 kilometres. Three of us walked the entire route, while another nine hikers walked parts of it.
The River Valley Alliance trail system is a work in progress. Some pieces have been in place since the 1970s. Others were completed just last summer. Still to come are trails connecting Edmonton to Devon.
Year One of Camino Edmonton was a fine success. We are doing it again with Camino Edmonton 2019—this time starting in Fort Saskatchewan/Lamoureux, ending at Devon/Botanic Garden.
Walkers are welcome to join us for all, or parts of the 2019 Camino Edmonton. The walking schedule is posted on Graham Hicks’ blog.
Sheila Thompson wrote about the 2018 Camino in a more detailed fashion on her Trans Canada Trail blog.

Please note that The Camino Edmonton is not an organization, just a group of friends and acquaintances who like to walk, and who love our river valley. It is not sanctioned or endorsed by the River Valley Alliance.
To keep things simple, walkers are responsible for their own daily arrangements including transportation, food and supplies. If you would like to walk with us, for as many days as you’d like, call or text Graham at 780-707-6379 or Sheila at 780-468-9218.
Hope we’ll see you on the Edmonton Camino, 2019!