It’s World Urban Parks Week: Here’s how the RVA’s work will connect the entire urban trails system
The first week of May marks World Urban Parks Week, a global celebration of urban parks organized to highlight the critical importance of parks in a global context; to promote best practices by learning from other parks services; and to encourage people to enjoy their local park and appreciate the importance of green space.
The vision and mission of the RVA speaks to the importance of urban parks in the metro Edmonton region and how we’re working together with our seven shareholders to connect the entire urban park trail system from Devon to Fort Saskatchewan through a balanced approach of preserving, protecting and enhancing our river valley.
Our Phase I Capital program of 13 projects is now substantially complete, which includes 70 kms of new trails, the Terwillegar Footbridge and Funicular (Edmonton), and West River’s Edge Pavilion (Fort Saskatchewan). We are now in a transition phase as we close the books on Phase I and prepare for Phase II. Some of these transition projects include a new trail and upgrades to Voyageur Park boat launch in Devon, completion of RR 232 and Riverside Nature Trails in Strathcona County, and the start of design work for a future pedestrian bridge as part of the Highway 15 twinning project connecting Sturgeon County to Fort Saskatchewan.
Stay tuned as I’m on the trails keeping you informed of the many exciting projects and events happening in our beautiful North Saskatchewan River Valley!

Brent Collingwood takes in the sights at the Terwillegar footbridge.